Saturday, November 14, 2009

Belated Halloween post

I know it's kinda late to be showing Halloween things but I forgot to show my halloween decoration. I used my Manikin from cosmetology class and hung it upside down in the front withdow with a string of purple lights and a black light underneath to give it a scarrier effect.
Everyone in the class has been saying when we graduate we are going to tie these Manikins to the back of a car because we hate working on them, or I should say we hate the old outdated styles they force us to perfect.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Oh mother

When is it that we realize we are turning into our mothers and we're ok with it. I fought it for a long time but i'm not sure why. My mom is cool. She works at the office that my sister in-law, brother and I work at and I have to say she is doing a great job even though sometimes I think it's wierd and laugh at her.

Anyway to get to the point. A great thing about my mother is she always has great magazines that she gives me when she's done with them. Most recent and most favorite is the newest Mary Englebreit's Home companion. There are so many Christmas ideas I actually can't wait to start decorating. One of her friends gave me a bunch of antique bowls for a wedding present and this picture gave me a great use for some of them.
Another thing I have been trying to do for Christmas is make tree skirts. I went through a very tough time a few years ago trying to find the perfect one so as always I decided to just make one. I usually tie it in the back with a bow but now I think I will be closing it with covered buttons, thanks to this pic. from Home Companion.

I'm not sure if i'll get around to doing something like this but I absolutely love it. Yet another picture from Home Companion. I'm in desperate need of a new stocking. I'm still using my very first one that my Memere knit and it had an angel on it at one point but it's so bent out of shape now and missing a head you could never tell.